“Autumn Journal” (selected entries), October, 2021, Woods-N-Water News.
“You can’t make them love you, no matter how artfully you betray yourself” (poem), inaugural issue, Summer, 2021, Abandon Journal.
“Waves” (found poem), Spring 2021 issue, Dunes Review.
“Giants of the Hex” (essay), April 2021 issue, Gray’s Sporting Journal.
“April 15″ (poem), Issue #142, Right Hand Pointing, January 2021.
“Real Winter” (Reflections column), Michigan Blue, Winter, 2020,
“Shakespeare’s Birds” (essay), Bird Watcher’s Digest, Nov/Dec 2020.
“The Autumn Trail” (Reflections column), Michigan Blue, Autumn 2020,
“A Round River” (Reflections column), Michigan Blue, August/September, 2020.
“Skills a Man Could Learn” (6 found poems), New World Writing, August 30, 2020.
“Periodically Reclusive” and “When the Morning Sun is High” (poems), Issue #139, Right Hand Pointing
“Summer Work and High Water” (Reflections column), Summer 2020, Michigan Blue.
“The Dawn Chorus” (Reflections column), Spring 2020, Michigan Blue.
“Eclipse Sonnet” (found poem), Issue #20, Unlost Journal.
“February” (poem), January, 2020, issue 136A, Right Hand Pointing.
“The Christmas Gift” (story reprinted from A Place on the Water), November/December 2019 issue, Sporting Classics Magazine.
“Winter Visitors” (Reflections column), Winter 2019 issue, Michigan Blue.
“The Lay of the Land” (Reflections column), Autumn 2019 issue, Michigan Blue.
“August Explorations” (Reflections column), Adventure/Travel 2019 issue, Michigan Blue.
“Making Trail” (Reflections column), Summer 2019 issue, Michigan Blue.
“My Lost Lake” (Reflections column), Winter 2018 issue, Michigan Blue.
“Autumn Journal” (Reflections column), Autumn 2018 issue, Michigan Blue.
“Bending Nails,” Autumn 2018, in the anthology, Elemental, (Wayne State University Press).
“The Erie Jinx,” (essay), 2018 May/June issue Sporting Classics Magazine.
“Opening Day,” (Reflections column) 2018 Spring issue of Michigan Blue.
“Jackpine Savages,” (Reflections column) is in the 2018 Cottages issue of Michigan Blue.
“Winter Waxwings,” (Reflections column), Winter 2017 issue Michigan Blue.
“The Restless Season,” (Reflections column) in the Autumn 2017 issue of Michigan Blue.
“Lake Squall, 1967″ (essay) is in the August issue of Traverse Magazine
and is online at MyNorth.com
“Be Prepared” (Reflections column) is in the Summer issue of Michigan Blue.
“A Love Affair with Canoes” (essay) is in the Spring issue of Michigan Blue.
“Spring Arrives” (Reflections column) is in the Spring issue of Michigan Blue.
“Star Matter” (essay) is in the March issue of Traverse Magazine.

“Stormy Cottage” by Glenn Wolff. Courtesy of Glenn Wolff Studio (www.glennwolff.com)
“Sandblasted” (Reflections column) is in the Cottages issue of Michigan Blue.
“Eskimo Words for Snow” (essay) is in Mother Earth News online.
“Wildlife in Winter” (Reflections column) is in the Winter issue of Michigan Blue.
Jerry’s essay “The Lakes at Night,” is the introduction to the personal reflections section of the book, Border Flows: A Century of the Canadian-American Water Relationship (Calgary: University of Calgary Press. 2016).
“A November Wind” (Reflections column) is in the Autumn issue of Michigan Blue.
“On Appearing on Television” (brief experimental prose) is online at the literary magazine TXTOBJX.
“In the Night Country” (Reflections column) is in the Adventure/Travel issue of Michigan Blue.
“The Airborne Bestiary” (essay) is in Mother Earth News online.
“Agates and Yellowthroats” (Reflections column) is in the spring issue of Michigan Blue.
“A Murmuration of Starlings” (essay) went live in March on the Mother Earth News online edition. Jerry will be blogging there semi-regularly.
The Wax Paper, a literary broadside published quarterly in Brooklyn, is showcasing Jerry’s prose poem, “Walking in the World” (from A Daybreak Handbook) in their February 2016 edition.
Jerry’s very brief fiction, “If You List Your Fears You Will Vanquish Them,” is reprinted in the 1/19/16 edition of Flashfiction.net.
“We Almost Didn’t Know What to Do With Ourselves” (essay) is in the Spring 2016 issue of Upland Almanac.
“Quiet Hours” (Reflections column) is in the winter issue of Michigan Blue.
“Critters of American Folklore,” an excerpt from A Walk in the Animal Kingdom, is featured in ‘Merica Magazine.
Jerry’s micro-essay, “The Thing About Dogs,” is in the September issue of the online journal, Animal: A Beast of a Literary Magazine.
“The Boys of Summer” (Reflections column) is in the 2015 Adventure &Travel Issue of Michigan Blue Magazine.
“Creek Music” (Reflections column) and the essay, “The Sporting Life,” are in the Summer 2015 issue of Michigan Blue Magazine.
“Hilltops and Rivers” (Reflections column) is in the Spring 2015 issue of Michigan Blue Magazine.
Jerry’s interview with novelist/poet Jim Harrison, “About Jim,” from the August 2014 issue of Traverse Magazine is featured on Sporting Classics Online as one of “six classic articles about the infamous sporting scribe.”
Jerry’s very brief story, “If You List Your Fears You Will Vanquish Them,” is in the fall 2014 issue of Mid-American Review.
Two new essays in the winter issue of Michigan Blue Magazine: “White Space” (Reflections column), and “A Winter of Ice and Cold,” about Ken Scott’s great book of photographs, Ice Caves of Leelanau.
“Meandering Rivers,” an excerpt from Jerry Dennis’s and Glenn Wolff’s Big Maple Press edition of The Bird in the Waterfall: Exploring the Amazing World of Water, is on Naturewriting.com
The autumn Michigan Blue Magazine column, “A Riot of Colors, with Violins,” is now online.
Jerry’s interview with novelist/poet Jim Harrison, “About Jim,” is online. It appeared in print in the August 2014 issue of Traverse Magazine.
Jerry’s long-form essay, “A History of Captive Birds,” appears in the Summer issue of Michigan Quarterly Review.
“Sparks in the Sky” (Reflections column), Summer 2014, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Things a Man Should Carry” (short prose), May issue, PANK
“The Overlooked Forest” (Reflections column), Spring 2014, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Winter Roads” (Reflections column), Winter 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
Introductory essay to the book, The Art of the Sleeping Bear Dunes, published autumn 2013 by Leelanau Press,
“The Color of Water,” (Reflections column), Autumn 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“My Bay Life” (Reflections column), Summer 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“The Many Michigans,” foreword to Views of Michigan, coffee-table book published summer 2013 by Thunder Bay Press.
“Night of the Aurora” (Reflections column), Adventure Travel Issue 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Abundance” (essay), Adventure Travel Issue 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Can We Inspire a New Generation of Stewards?” is awarded second place in the 2012 WOLFoundation Essay Contest to celebrate essays that further the socio-economic debate. Download the essay here.
“Water, Water” (essay), Spring 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“The Color of Steelhead” (Reflections column), Spring 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Season of Snow and Books” (Reflections column), Winter 2013, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Problem Solved” (short prose), October 2012, River Lit
“A Bite in the Air” (Reflections column), Fall 2012, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Plato in the Lyceum” (short prose), August 20, 2012, River Lit
“Questions Intended to Encourage Deeper Engagement with the Object at Hand” (short prose), July 30, 2012, River Lit
“Getting Lost” (Reflections column), Summer 2012 special bonus issue, Adventure Travel, Michigan Blue Magazine
“The Wind on the Beach” (Reflections column), Summer 2012 special bonus issue, Beaches, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Strawberries and Brook Trout” (Reflections column), Summer 2012, Michigan Blue Magazine
“Field Journal: Spring,” on the web-zine, Naturewriting.com.
“Loon Song” (Reflections column), Spring 2012, Michigan Blue Magazine
“America’s Most Beautiful Place” (essay), volume 3, 2012, Manitou: The Magazine of Leelanau
“This Land, This Water,” and “Winter Comes to the Keweenaw” (essays), Summer 2011, Michigan Quarterly Review